Arizona’s Maricopa county ballots cast during the 2020 Presidential Election will be counted for a third time, according to the AZ Senate.
The 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa were originally recounted by officials. The second tabulation was a “forensic” hand-count. And now that the second hand-count is nearing the end, the Senate is requiring that a third “audit” will be conducted by teams hired by the AZ senate.
The idea behind the third recount will be to provide a third data point from which the Senate can compare for accuracy.
Speaking to the Epoch Times, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett said, “Maricopa County says there’s 2,089,563 ballots. We did the hand count, and they’re finalizing that number, but we just wanted a third number to tie everything together, make sure we have more—the more data points, the better.”
The difference in the third recount is that the ballots will be recounted. The actual votes cast will not be included.
To conduct this “recount,” the AZ Senate said they will “run” the ballots through new ballot-counting machines. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said.”We’re going to run all the ballots through to see how they match up. If there ends up being a difference, we’d have another count.”