Confirmed: Facebook Using Ranking System To Throttle Conservative Voices

When the election was over, Facebook made big changes to what millions of Americans see as news. The New York Times reported Facebook changed its system to “throttle” certain pages that contain, what Facebook believes, is “false and misleading claims.” The tech-giant specifically targeted people and groups who have been speaking out about election results and fraud.

Details of the report outline a “secret internal ranking system” called News Ecosystem Quality (NEQ). This ranking system determines what news is throttled and what news is promoted. This has allowed liberal-leaning outlets to get more exposure than conservative outlets.

This report confirms what we at Crawfordology, and other conservative voices, have been experiencing as of late. The continued suppression of differing perspectives limits free-speech and the free exchange of ideas. Due to their size and influence, Facebook is arbitrarily determining what type of information millions of Americans consume. As this type of censorship continues, conservatives must continue lifting their voices to the causes they believe in. But also, conservatives must prepare for increasing marginalization within popular culture.

Don’t let Facebook control the ideas you are “allowed” to be exposed to. We at Crawfordology recommend visiting alternate social media platforms, like Parler.