Hillary Lashes Out At Clarence Thomas – DeSantis’ Deputy Press Secretary Has The Final Word

Gage Skidmore

On Tuesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Deputy Press Secretary blasted Hilary Clinton for “offensive, disgusting and false” comments she made toward Justice Clarence Thomas.

Speaking with CBS Mornings, she was asked about Clarence Thomas’ opinion about contraception and same-sex marriage. Hilary said “women will die” due to Thomas’ rulings. She also called him “a person of grievance for as long as I have known him, resentment, grievance, anger.”

Responding to Hillary’s comments, Bryan Griffin, Ron DeSantis’ Deputy Press Secretary, said, “Offensive, disgusting and false commentary from @HillaryClinton about Clarence Thomas.

He said, “I’d like to directly rebut this. After I passed the bar, I stopped CT in a lobby in D.C. and asked him if he would do me the honor of swearing me in as a lawyer (2015).

Griffin went on to say, “In my anecdote, he did not know me or owe me anything. But he afforded me incredible kindness. I am certain he extends the same to others. He is committed to the Constitution, which is how he came to htis and his other decisions.”

Griffin ended his comments by saying. “To lie about the man because you do not agree with him is wrong, and people can plainly see it as a desperate attack for cheap likes. CT is neither angry nor resentful, and this is abundantly clear to anyone who has interacted with him as a person.”