The Profound Humility of Christmas

The Christmas season is a joyous occasion, filled with festive lights, heartening carols, delectable treats, and captivating nativity scenes. At the heart of these scenes lies the infant Jesus, who, despite being the supreme ruler of the heavens, was born in the humblest of settings. This stark contrast serves as a potent reminder of Jesus’ deep humility.

Taking a moment to reflect on this, one cannot help but be awestruck by the magnitude of humility demonstrated by Jesus. He willingly left his heavenly dominion, embraced human form, and was born into a world of poverty and oppression. This self-sacrifice represents the most profound act of humility ever recorded in history. As stated in Philippians 2:7-8 (NIV), “Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!”

This divine act of love is beyond our understanding. However, it also serves to underline the gravity of our sinfulness. Christmas isn’t just a celebration of Jesus’ humility—it’s also a stark reminder of our own shortcomings.

The true meaning of Christmas is that it highlights our inability to redeem ourselves. No matter how many good deeds we perform, no matter how religious our practices, or how much atonement we make for our sins, we cannot attain God’s perfect standards by ourselves. When we fall short of these standards, we face the consequences of our actions. Yet, the beauty of salvation is that Jesus assumed our humanity to bear our punishment, offering us complete forgiveness and the gift of everlasting life.

The annual celebration of Christmas is to remember this rescue mission. Jesus is the rescuer, and we are the rescued. While this brings us immense joy, it leaves no room for pride. The Christmas bells toll not just to celebrate our rescue but also to remind us of our deep need for a savior.

Christmas is a season of humility, a time to recognize our frailties and our need for divine intervention. However, this should not subdue our celebrations. Instead, it should enhance them. As stated in Luke 2:11 (NIV), “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you”. So, let’s ring the Christmas bells with both humility and joy, celebrating the most extraordinary act of love and humility ever witnessed.