Trump Criticizes Biden Over Middle East Policies and Iran Funding

Former President Donald Trump has publicly criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of Middle Eastern affairs, particularly the decision to release $6 billion in previously frozen oil revenues to Iran. In a post on the social media platform, Truth Social, Trump expressed his strong disapproval, questioning the Biden administration’s competence.

Trump emphasized the connection between Iran’s funding and the recent attacks by the Hamas terror group, which resulted in the death of hundreds, including women, children, and at least 14 Americans. Reports suggest that Iran provides approximately $100 million annually to Hamas and has equipped them with rocket technology based on Iranian designs.

In another post, Trump expressed his dismay at the timing of Biden’s announcement to release the funds, which coincided with the anniversary of September 11th. He warned of the potential repercussions, suggesting that such actions could encourage further kidnappings and ransom demands. Trump also took pride in his own record, claiming he secured the release of numerous Americans held abroad without paying ransoms. The Biden administration has acknowledged that some of the hostages in Hamas’s custody are U.S. nationals.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has tried to mitigate concerns surrounding the $6 billion decision, stating the funds are earmarked for humanitarian use. However, when questioned about the potential misuse of funds, Blinken conceded that Iran has consistently channeled its resources towards supporting terrorist activities, irrespective of sanctions.

Trump further commented on the recent attacks on Israel, calling them a “disgrace” and asserting Israel’s right to robust self-defense. He also hinted at the possibility of U.S. funds indirectly supporting these attacks, suggesting a link to decisions made by the Biden administration. Trump fondly recalled the peace initiatives during his tenure, such as the Abraham Accords, and lamented their erosion under the current administration.

In a concluding statement on Truth Social, Trump drew a contrast between the peace agreements signed during his term and the current turmoil, underscoring the significant impact of presidential leadership on global events.