Speaking with Mark Levin, John Ratcliffe, Former Director of National Intelligence, said Biden’s decisions has created a national security threat to the US.
Pointing to the Former Vice President’s mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Ratcliffe said, “To your point, first on Afghanistan, I hope that it’s just something that has an impact for decades, I hope it’s not centuries; it’s the most profound loss for the United States, certainly in our lifetime. But one of my concerns there, and this goes to your larger question about what has Joe Biden done to our national security, he’s very currently harmed, but in so many respects beyond Afghanistan, but this most recent, most painful, colossal, epic failure in Afghanistan has literally breathed life into the radical Islamic terrorist movement, not just in Afghanistan, but around the world.”
Ratcliffe predicted that the intelligence community will not know the full impact Biden’s decisions have made on the security of our country for “a long, long time to come.”
“I wrote an article as the Director of National Intelligence saying that China was our number one national security threat; I did that as I was walking out the door based on the …. fact that, you know, I’m the person that saw more intelligence than anyone else in the country over the past year, and China very much is that existential threat to our country. But if I had to write that op-ed today, I would tell you that I think our greatest national security threat, at least in the short term, is Joe Biden, and our national security apparatus.”
“And the reason I say that, and I’m not trying to be glib or hyperbolic, but Mark, they have literally gotten everything wrong for eight straight months. With respect to China, with respect to Russia, with respect to Iran, with respect throughout the Middle East, now, including Afghanistan, it goes on and on, literally, they’re batting zero. They’re striking out at every turn. And it’s having a profound grave impact on our national security and our national security posture.”