After taking fire for saying it was “too soon” to let Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, Fauci has come out in support of children and families celebrating Halloween.
CNN’s Dana Bash asked the doctor who has not seen a patient in decades, “Halloween is just around the corner, a lot of parents are wondering how to trick-or-treat, do they hand out candy, do they walk around with their children?”
Fauci responded, “I think that particularly if you’re vaccinated, but you can get out there. You’re outdoors for the most part, at least when my children were out there doing trick-or-treating. And enjoy it, I mean this is a time that children love.”
When asked a similar question earlier this month regarding Thanksgiving and Christmas, Fauci said, “It’s just too soon to tell. We’ve just got to [be] concentrating on continuing to get those numbers down and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time. Let’s focus like a laser on continuing to get those cases down.”
Fauci went on to say, “And we can do it by people getting vaccinated, and also in the situation where boosters are appropriate to get people boosted because we know that they can help greatly in diminishing infection and diminishing advanced disease, the kinds of data that are now accumulating in real time.”
When asked to clarify his Thanksgiving/Christmas comments, Fauci said, “I encourage people, particularly the vaccinated people who are protected, to have a good, normal Christmas with your family.”