After speaking Ukrain President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to the European Parliament, Ukraine’s application to join the EU was approved.
This comes after Zelensky petitioned the EU to welcome Ukraine into the bloc of nations. Support has been growing within EU countries, particularly those of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
“We desire to see our children alive. I think it’s a fair one.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was met with a standing ovation from the European Parliament after a powerful speech that caused the EU translator on the English language feed to choke up with emotion. pic.twitter.com/kTlBGO6GEq
— CNN (@CNN) March 1, 2022
Zelensky said, “Every square today, no matter what it’s called, is going to be called Freedom Square, in every city of our country. No one is going to break us. We are strong. We are Ukrainians. We have a desire to see our children alive. I think it’s a fair one.”
He went on to say, “We are fighting for our rights, for our freedoms, for life, for our life, and now we are fighting for survival. And this is the highest of our motivation. But we are fighting also to be equal members of Europe. The European Union is going to be much stronger with us, that’s for sure. … Do prove that you are with us. Do prove that you will not let us go. Do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death. And light will win over darkness.”
Zelensky’s speech was met with a standing ovation from national representatives of EU nations.
The European Parliament gives Volodymyr Zelenskyy a standing ovation.
He ended his speech with “Life will win over death. And light will win over darkness. Glory to Ukraine!” pic.twitter.com/V9ROhv63aD
— Adam Schwarz (@AdamJSchwarz) March 1, 2022
The vote to accept Ukraine was overwhelming affirmative, with only 13 nations voting against and 26 abstaining.
NEW via @NanaSajaia: The European Parliament accepted Ukraine’s application to join the EU, calling on EU institutions to work towards granting Ukraine status of an EU candidate, thus recognizing Ukraine’s European perspective.
676 voted
637 affirmative
13 against
26 abstained— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) March 1, 2022