New Poll Finds the Majority of Americans Want a Fresh Face, not Trump or Biden

Alex Proimos

A new poll released earlier this month reveals that most Americans want a fresh face in the Oval Office, not recycling Biden or former President Trump.

Biden will be days from 82 by the time the 2024 elections roll around and Trump will be 78.

The Yahoo/YouGov poll found that 64% of participants felt Biden should not run for reelection in 2024. However, a mere 21% thought a reelection bid was right, and 15% couldn’t decide.

According to the survey, regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity, most people thought running for reelection was a lousy idea for Biden. 66% of women, 62% of men, 65% of 18-29-year-olds, 60% of 30-44-year-olds, and 65% of those 45 and older. 66% of Caucasians and 65% of Hispanics thought Biden should not run. The only group with less aversion toward a Biden second term were African Americans, but 49% of African American respondents felt negatively about a recycled Biden Administration.

A telling statistic, 76% of independent voters, did not want Biden for another term. Furthermore, 40% of those who voted for Biden in 2020 don’t want Biden again.

The results for Trump were nearly identical. The survey found that 55% said he shouldn’t run for reelection in 2024, 31 % thought he should run, and 14% couldn’t make up their minds. Age, gender, and ethnicity percentages were similar, with 58% of women, 52% of men, 58% of 18-29-year-olds, 46% of 30-44-year-olds, and 55% of those 45 and older. Of Caucasians, 50% and 58% of Hispanics thought Trump should not run. African Americans were the most unfavorable group toward Trump making another bid for the Oval Office. A colossal 75% thought Trump shouldn’t run, while 57% of independents and a substantial 29% of Republicans.

In a potential head-to-head matchup, Trump held a three-point lead over Biden, 42% – 39%.

The survey also asked what the respondent’s main issue was when thinking about next year’s election. Inflation was number one for 37% of respondents. Crime and health care, respectively, were 10%, and 9% said immigration. Also, 39% of the participants thought the Republicans would handle inflation better, while 29% preferred the Democrat party.