In an op-ed on FoxNews.com, Senator Rand Paul announced that he will be introducing an amendment that, if passed, would remove “Dr. Anthony Fauci’s position as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.”
Noting how this week “marks the two-year anniversary of the COVID lockdowns,” Paul highlighted how that time was filled with COVID-related deaths and “overbearing lockdowns and mandates that were based on junk science.”
In response to the vast governmental and regulatory changes that occurred during the lockdowns, Paul is going to suggest Fauci’s position be separated into “three new institutes.” Each of these positions would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a five-year term.
Paul went on to say, “no one person should have the sole authority to dictate science, especially when that one person wasn’t ever following the science. I’ve said that from the beginning, and I’ve been proven right over, and over, and over again. On masks, lockdowns, schools, natural immunity, all of it.”
“The country is still reeling from the economic fallout of the lockdowns, which didn’t work. A group of researchers at Johns Hopkins University released a report confirming that. The report is an extensive analysis looking at dozens and dozens of studies, which comes to the conclusion that lockdowns did not reduce mortality but were devastating to the economy,” Paul continued.
On November 21 of last year, American1 reported that Fauci referred to himself as a personification of “science.” Since that time, Fauci has been increasingly absent from news appearances.
The absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science. It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity. https://t.co/rcDezphVRR
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 28, 2021