During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan said the House will investigate Anthony Fauci if Republicans win back majority control.
Bartiromo asked if Jordan was going to “investigate Anthony Fauci should you take the control in the majority of the House.” Jordan responded, “Yes. Yes, we definitely are.”
Jordan went on to say, “If the American people put us back in charge, we are definitely going to do this because we now know without a doubt that Dr. Fauci knew on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 that this thing came from a lab. The top scientists in the country were saying it came from a lab. One scientist says we got the notes now from the conference call on February 1st. One scientist says, ‘I don’t see how this can happen in nature, but it would be easy to do in a lab.’
Joined @MariaBartiromo on Fox News this morning. Give it a watch. https://t.co/yxqQCcezQ6
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 16, 2022
Jordan continued, “And yet just in a matter of days, they changed their position, write the article that appears in Nature of Medicine Magazine, which then gets cited in the now famous letter in The Lancet, which became the gospel for the fact that Fauci can go out and tell people it didn’t come from a lab when in fact they knew it did. The interesting thing is. We point this out. We just learned this last week, the two doctors who were most adamant that this thing came from a lab early on: one is Dr. Kristian Anderson. On Jan. 31, 2020, he says this to Dr. Fauci in an email: ‘Virus looks engineered. Virus not consistent with evolutionary theory.’ So, he knew it came from a lab.”
Reports have emerged of late, indicating scientists were aware and concerned of the origins of COVID-19.
An email from Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, on February 2 2020 said that ‘a likely explanation’ was that Covid had rapidly evolved from a Sars-like virus inside human tissue in a low-security lab.
The email, to Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health, went on to say that such evolution may have ‘accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans.’
In response to this news, the director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) at the time, Dr. Fancis Collins, said “I share your view that a swift convening of experts in a confidence-inspiring framework is needed or the voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science and international harmony.”