Trump Demands Biden Take Drug Test Before Presidential Debates

Caption: Donald Trump at CPAC 2014 | Source:


Former President Donald Trump has challenged President Joe Biden to take a drug test ahead of their upcoming presidential debates. The debates are scheduled for June 27 and September 10, hosted by CNN and ABC News, respectively.

Why It Matters

The drug test demand raises questions about the fitness and transparency of presidential candidates, crucial for informed voting in the United States.

Who It Impacts

This impacts American voters who deserve to know the capabilities and health status of their potential leaders.

Trump Demands Drug Test for Biden Before Presidential Debates

In a bold move ahead of the scheduled presidential debates, former President Donald Trump has demanded that President Joe Biden take a drug test. Trump, who challenged Biden to debates on key issues facing the country back in March, reiterated his demand during a speech at the Minnesota GOP Lincoln-Reagan Dinner in St. Paul. “I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump remarked, alleging that Biden was “high as a kite” during his speech at the event in March.

The first debate is set for June 27, hosted by CNN, followed by a second on September 10, hosted by ABC News. If Biden “makes it through the debate—and I think he will—they‘ll say ’it was the finest debate performance in history,'” Trump speculated. He voiced his concerns on Truth Social, calling Biden the “WORST debater I have ever faced—He can’t put two sentences together!”

Trump’s challenge to Biden comes amid a backdrop of previous debates. In a May 15 video on X, Biden offered to debate again, claiming he won two debates against Trump in 2020 and asserting that Trump has since avoided further debates. Biden’s campaign, however, has not responded to the new debate challenges from Fox News and NBC & Telemundo, which Trump has accepted.

In his social media posts, Trump criticized Biden’s policies, highlighting the need for a debate to discuss Biden’s “highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy.” The debate demand and drug test challenge aim to question Biden’s fitness and clarity in leading the nation.

Biden’s physical health was addressed in a February report by Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who described Biden as a “healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male” fit for presidential duties. However, the report did not include a cognitive health screening, leaving room for speculation.

Meanwhile, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticized the planned debates, accusing Trump and Biden of trying to exclude him. He argued that Americans deserve more choices, noting that “Forty-three percent of Americans identify as independents. If Americans are ever going to escape the hammerlock of the two-party system, now is the time to do it.”

Polls present a mixed picture of the race. According to a May 14 update from Morning Consult, Trump has a slight lead over Biden among voters, with 44 percent support compared to Biden’s 43 percent. Trump also holds a larger lead among Independents. However, other surveys, like one from TIPP Insights, show Biden with a narrow lead, demonstrating the competitive nature of the race.

Recent polls have also shown varied levels of approval for Biden and Trump. An April 12 Pew Research poll indicated low favorability for Biden’s third year in power, with only 22 percent of American adults expressing a positive opinion. Despite this, Biden maintains high approval among Democrats, though his support from independents is weaker.

The upcoming debates and the dynamics between the candidates will significantly impact voters’ perceptions. The demand for a drug test adds another layer of controversy and scrutiny to an already intense election season.