OPINION – Welcome back! The previous article examined how Hunter Biden’s laptop took his business dealings from seclusion to the national stage. We looked at congressional probes on the hunt for the truth about Hunter, his foreign business partners, and his dad’s possible involvement. We ended up asking, where is the proof?
This article will focus on the proof from the laptop’s hard drive. It is conclusively Hunter Biden’s laptop. It’s not a fake and wasn’t hacked, and we will examine how much of a security threat the young Biden is. So, let’s get started.
The Washington Examiner investigative reporter, Andrew Kerr, and Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos, a former secret service agent who is now a cybersecurity expert, performed what they called “digital sandwiching” on the laptop hard drive. Digital sandwiching takes dated or timed information and connects it with like dates and times, providing a composite of actions or whereabouts.
For example, an email confirmation and receipt from a hotel stay would connect to photos or videos created during the hotel stay. The technique conclusively proved the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden. Dimitrelos also retrieved 168,000 deleted files from the hard drive. Some of the recovered data was personal. However, other data shed light on the young Biden’s financial deals in 2018 and early 2019.
Kerr brought to light the young Biden purchased “burner phone applications” from 2014 to 2018, giving him unlimited calling in foreign countries. Kerr pointed out Hunter’s well-documented drug habit as an outlet for the burner phones but alluded to shady business practices in Ukraine and China where the burner phones would have left, theoretically, “no trace.”
From 2013 to 2018, the young Biden racked in approximately $11 million by “dropping” his dad’s name. NBC News reported that he “always knew his name was a commodity, but he was qualified for the job.” The dealings with Burisma and CEFC China Energy were highlighted in the Washington Examiner and NBC’s report. In 2013 Joe Biden was the Vice President of the United States – which made his son’s dealings quite problematic.
Am I against people making money? Not, as long as they do it legally and without jeopardizing the national security of the U.S.
Another significant concern is the business records showing Hunter’s 10% ownership in BHR Partners, a state-backed Chinese Equity firm “specializing in deals outside the country” with a geographic focus on the U.S. and Europe. According to the BHR Partners website, its founding was in 2013.
The New York Post reported in March 2018 that Rosemont Seneca and the Bank of China were creating a $1 billion investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Rosemont Seneca was an investment firm founded by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, who was John Kerry’s stepson.
Reporter Peter Schweizer pointed out how, in 2013, the Chinese government was funding a business co-owned with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision-makers: then-Senator John Kerry and then-Vice-President Joe Biden. The partnership was only the beginning of problematic investment deals—many carrying significant national security risks for the U.S.
In 2019, Candidate Joe Biden claimed he hadn’t spoken with his son about his foreign business deals. Yet, as recent as June 2022, the Daily Mail produced a voicemail from December 2018 retrieved from Hunter’s iPhone XS backup that was stored on the abandoned laptop. The voicemail was about a New York Times article about the Chinese energy company CEFC Hunter’s business partner, Ye Jianming. The evidence proves the now-president lied.
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The Washington Examiner uncovered text messages between the New York Times reporter, David Barboza, and Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle. The reporter was requesting information for the article. Buhle sent her ex-husband a screenshot of the request, stored on the notorious laptop.
President Biden has maintained that he was not involved in and had no knowledge of his son’s overseas business deals. The White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, reiterated in April telling CBS News, “These are actions by Hunter and his brother(Jim Biden); they’re private matters. They don’t involve the president and they certainly are something that no one at the White House is involved in.” On July 6, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer questions about the voicemail revealing the president’s knowledge of Hunter’s business deals when Fox News reporter Peter Dorsey questioned.
The verified connections between the young and elder Biden’s foreign entities with proven records for undermining and stealing information are more than concerning. The situation in Ukraine escalating from virtually nothing to full-blown war within Biden’s first year in office makes one wonder, what or whom are they trying to eliminate or destroy in Ukraine or Russia? Are there remnants from the young Biden’s business deals that need to be “purged,” and the feasible way is to bomb them into oblivion? Am I a conspiracy theorist? No, I am simply an American journalist who wants truthful answers to the massive number of questions about our republic, its leadership, and national security.